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Harlos CSR
Our CSR Initiatives

Bryson Primary School - Library

A tangible case study of our evident efforts of community engagement and community development is; about a school named: ‘Bryson Primary School’, located in the residential area of Mburahati, Dar-es-salaam.Education is a basic human right, however on the outskirts of Dar-es-salaam’s CBD, that is debatable societal conception.

Harlos identified an area of deficiency that we believe every school should have on their premises, and that is a library.Libraries play a fundamental role in learning. Libraries play a fundamental role in society. The resources and services they offer create opportunities for learning, support literacy and education, and help shape the new ideas and perspectives that are central to a creative and innovative society

Manyara Primary School: Classroom Conversion & Installation

A group of Good Samaritans, from the beautiful country of Australia, bound together for a trip to Tanzania. Their objective was to make an impactful difference for the students, at ‘Manyara Primary School’.

This is because Manyara Primary School, has a limited number of classroom, so they conjured the thoughtful idea of adding another classroom, to ease the congestion in classrooms and grant the students more favourable learning conditions.

They acquired a 40ft High Cube Unit from Harlos Containers, we helped arrange transportation for the container, from Dar to Manyara successfully, untils the grounds of the Primary school.

With their collective skills and efforts combined, they managed to convert the container unit into a fully operational and well equipped classroom, at the primary school, that is up and running, till this day